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Saturday 18 July 2020

UK payrolls shrink by 649,000 jobs in lockdown - Covid-19



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Uk Payrolls Shrinks


when it comes to jobs the number of workers on UK payrolls has dropped by nearly 650,000 the number of vacancies is at a record low an average pay is falling

so I'm going to be taking a look at what you need to do if you want to improve your job prospects some of the world's most high-profile twitter accounts are

hacked in an attempted scammer among those targeted are Bill Gates Barack Obama and Kim Kardashian the first kids have arrived good morning for a crack party and you are excited good morning unfinished business England's rugby union

 head coach Eddie Jones says his new contract is all about winning the next World Cup in France in 2023 he'll be joining us on breakfast after half past 8 good

Morning to you the number of workers on UK payrolls has fallen by six hundred and forty nine thousand between the months of March and June this is according to

official figures published this morning economists say the full effects unemployment will not be felt until the furlough scheme ends in October let's get more now with our political correspondent Chris Mason good morning to you ]

Chris so can you give us an oversight because these statistics in a way a little bit confusing yeah morning to you Charley to these statistics published by the Office

for National Statistics in the last hour and they are patchy and they are rather confusing because we are still living throughout with the economic realities of this pandemic and the significant government scheme in particular the furlough scheme

paying the wages of millions of private-sector employees 80% of the wages it is still going on and so perhaps that masks the extent of the economic pain that is to come but just to talk through a few of these statistics that you were mentioning.


UK workers on company payrolls


UK workers on company payrolls falling by 649 thousand during the lockdown the number of people work-related benefits now standing at 2.6 million the number of

paid employees falling by around about two percent year on year to June the claimant count for unemployment doubling since March but crucially as I say that

Furlough schemes still in operation it's going to start its process of unwinding very soon and so that might mask the scale of what is to come here is the Business

Secretary reacting to these numbers on breakfast in the last half-hour it is incredibly difficult and I have written back to set out the support that is available

you will know that in terms of the welfare support we're putting more money into universal credit so there is support out there but I'm not denying that it is not going

to be a difficult time for many individuals and families so what we can do as a government is to support them with the schemes that we're putting in place and

continue to do that little bit of reaction we're already getting this morning labor saying that it's vitally important now that the government support measures are

more targeted at those sectors of the economy likely to struggle the most in the coming months and just had some reaction to from the CBI the employers

Organization saying that this points to serious difficulties as they described it for hundreds of thousands of people around the UK and they make the stark warning

that this is only just the beginning Chris for the moment thank you very much twitter has been the subject of a massive hack targeting some of the biggest names in the United States including prominent figures in business politics and

Entertainment that list includes Bill Gates Kenya West as well as Barack Obama and Joe Biden as part of the scam fake tweets were posted from verified accounts

asking people to make donations to a Bitcoin site crypto currency account born speak to our technology correspondent Rory Katherine Jones so Rory this

Gradually emerged literally people were looking at the Twitter sites of very famous people and odd messages were appearing yeah when he first started appearing.

Trend of crypto currency on Twitter

I was looking at Twitter a couple of prominent really well-known individuals the likes of Elon Musk were tweeting that they wanted to help please send me some

Bitcoin and I'll send you but back twice as much an obvious scam so you obviously fought but first well their accounts have been hacked but as more and more

Followed dozens of prominent individuals it became clear that it wasn't the individuals that have been hacked it was the whole system a huge crisis for Twitter

its chief executive Jack Dorsey tweeted tough day for us at Twitter we feel terrible this has happened but still wasn't clear how it happened then a couple of hours later

they began to reveal the techniques used by the hackers what's called social engineering we know they used this access they mounted a coordinated attacks it

Towards a targeting employees would access to internal systems so they got into what's called the god system they got into the inner controls of Twitter and then

Managed to take control of all these accounts that shouldn't have been allowed to happen that's a huge embarrassment for Twitter is a technique commonly used are

gays all sorts of companies but a company like Twitter should have much better defenses against that sort of thing Android just one quick thought should people we

Worried I mean if you've got a Twitter account are there any implications I know this has been described as a targeted attack well I suppose what we should all be

worried about is that this highlights that there are there is a huge security hole in Twitter it's not targeted at most people it's targeted at high-profile individuals for

publicity and possibly to make some money but it's still pretty worried Rory thank you the MP Julian Lewis has been kicked out of the Conservative Party after he

was voted in as chair of the Intelligence and Security Committee instead of the government's preferred candidate Chris Grayling senior government source

Accused Mr. Lewis of colluding with opposition MPs to secure the position OS Johnson has suggested that Parliament could move to York whilst the Palace of

Westminster in London is renovated Prime Minister confirmed in a letter the government is considering establishing him northern hub and it would make sense

to consider it as a potential location if the move happens it won't be until 2025 at the earliest now sculpture of the black lives matter protester which was erected in

Bristol yesterday has been taken down the figure replaced this statue of slave trader Edward Colston there was pulled down last month but it was installed without the

Knowledge or permission of the local council city's mayor Marvin Reece has said it was up to the people of crystal to decide what goes on the plinth putting a statue on

that back then overnight did not come in line with that process and therefore it can't stand it will be protected it's an incredible piece of work - a very inspirational

Woman but the statue itself falling outside that process can't stain because there is a process that we think is essential to bring in the city together time now is seven minutes.

Working on Covid-19

Past eight scientists working on a covid-19 vaccine at Oxford University are expected to give an update on their progress as early as next week this comes as a

group of 15 Nobel Prize winners have written an open letter calling for volunteers to be deliberately exposed to coronavirus in order to speed up the development of a

vaccine let's talk to our health correspondent Fergus Wolfe who's always lovely to see you in the morning good morning to you I'm really well you very well good

what do you make of this deliberately infecting people with coronavirus just you know to try to push on with this vaccine it is really what many of us just simply

Want to see as soon as possible yeah it's a really interesting idea and it's been tried many times before I have watched as somebody has been deliberately

Infected with typhoid after they'd received a typhoid vaccine that was done in Oxford or must be a decade or more ago and it's been tried with malaria vaccines

law it's a well tried and trusted technique to show whether a vaccine works it hasn't been tried so far with coronavirus vaccines because there haven't been proven treatments well we do have a couple of those now but there's a growing but growing drive to try and have what they call these challenge studies and some of

the arguments behind that are that really very young fit people in their early 20s with no underlying health conditions they would be an extremely low risk of being

Very unwell if the vaccine didn't work and it would be a way of us finding out almost immediately whether any of the hundred 140 vaccines in early development

And 23 now in the clinic whether any of them actually work mmm it's a risk isn't it but I suppose you know the science is it's almost like the approach is changing I

Wonder could you tell me how other scientists or other projects are in terms of how they're tackling working on a vaccine well so so there's lots and lots of different

vaccines in development the Oxford vaccine group is do two and deliver its findings in The Lancet on Monday which I'm sure will show that the vaccine

Produces a good immune response we've had moderna seattle-based trial their their vaccine produce very good immune response results yesterday which were hailed

by Antony Falchion in the US the head of research out there and Pfizer has got a vaccine them Imperial College is also in the race to get a vaccine it's not a race

Against different groups it's a race against coronavirus because that's what we need as we all know as we keep saying to have a real exit strategy against this whole

Pandemic something that actually stops you prevents you from getting infected in the first place quick word and focus is just reading on the front page of The Telegraph.

Vaccine suggestions and its Thoughts

      South Korea's Genexine begins phase I/IIa trials for COVID-19 ...

You know these vaccine hopes are rising what's a double defense against a virus have you seen that phrase yes so this is what the Oxford vaccine is trying to

do now your immune system is hugely complex and we talk a lot about empty bodies all the vaccines are under development are trying to induce a good antibody

response which will stay in your immune memory but there's specific type of antibodies neutralizing antibodies which is the ones you really want because they bind onto the spikes or on the coronavirus protein but there's another part of the

Immune response the t-cell response what that does is it sweeps up after any antibodies that are missed and it kills any cells that have been infected now the

Oxford vaccine and some of the others are also looking to get good t-cell responses and it's that twin approach of the immune system which could be really important

big question of course is even if we get good immune responses and good dual immune responses we won't know whether any of these vaccines work until in the

Real world those volunteers actually go on and get exposed to coronavirus and there are trials happening of the oxford vaccine in South Africa and in Brazil where

Prevalence of the disease is higher they're also going to have a trial in in the US and that's why these challenge studies actually keeping a group of young fit healthy

volunteers in some secure building for a couple of weeks and seeing what happens to them and that would be a way of cutting all of that out and finding out straight

Away good thank goodness there are people who are willing to do it Fergus thanks so much - thousands there's more than 30,000 who joined this group called.


Oxford University Opinion

One day sooner who said that they're willing to do it and there were lots of Nobel laureates in Indy the director of the Jenner Institute in Oxford and which developed

the Oxford vaccine he supports the idea the principle of challenge studies if they can be done safely really interesting thing it's always lovely talking to on the

program glad you're well CC so let's eat some now it's 13 minutes past 8:00 let's go back to our lead story this morning are those are the statistics that have come in

From the Office of National Statistics around unemployment and sean's in all for us this morning Joan every time we talk about this it is really important to point out

this is about people's lives isn't it this is the families that will be affected and I'm just looking at the one number that I think it's going to be a lot of attention and

Maybe you can do the first explainer for us of this this is the number of workers on UK payrolls fell by 649 thousand that's between March and June what does that

mean well that means those people who were in work working for businesses getting paid maybe monthly on a payroll when the office for national statistics did a snapshot of the number of employees on payrolls across the country in June they found that it was 650,000 fewer employees on the database on payrolls around the

Country than they were back in March now the reason that it doesn't seem to filter through to the unemployment rate that we talk about so much which is still under

4% and hasn't really risen that much since the beginning of lockdown is because that unemployment rate looks at a different period of time has a bit of a different

Measure of what it classifies as people out of work whereas the payroll figure is something we might not have talked about much before coronavirus crichton for.

Current advice and Crisis

Current advice crisis but the economists and the government are able to use it as a bit more of an up to date bit of data of what's happening in a very fast-moving

labor market right now and that's what's happening for a lot of people a lot of people quickly moved onto a furlough scheme quickly having conversations with

their bosses about what might happen next here in Liverpool they've seen claimant cam proportion of people on claiming benefits whether in work or out of work

Increase at one of the highest rates in the country over the water at Birkenhead over the Mersey if we look at vacancies stats today saying they're at record lows in

Birkenhead it's one of the most competitive areas in the country for applying for a job all of these things lots of different bits of data to try and tell us what's

Happening to people but at the end of the day it is that uncertainty that people are going through so we've spoken to a couple of people Danielle she's been

furloughed then let go recently just starting out in her career as she told us her story as did Phil who's a I let fly B and he lost his job after the airline collapsed

Back in March I love the flying aspect of it like a doctor loves being a doctor like an artist loves being an artist it's a certain passion that you have for it it's a vocation

And that's what I had for being a pilot redundancy it was the last thing on my mind I just saw a be placed on furlough and then when things that settle love you know

What eventually go back into work we all got an email please come to the hangar we were met by the CEO and representatives from the administrator and they told

Us what the situation was if you got lesser then he was made you know one of them people that was in the consultation and then if you've got a phone call then

Your job was safe and unfortunately that wasn't me I was devastated I was absolutely devastated I do feel a sense of shame in a way because for me I don't

like to be out of work I love working I love being in a job I wish I knew what I could do now my plan basically is to look at anything that I can do I try and call

the recruitment agency and I cannot get through to them I can have quite a few days where ever I just feel like what's the point I'm never going to find a job you

Know what can get very upset but I've just got something at the end of the day I've got my health I'm young all my family I've survived through the pandemic and I

Just think one day I will get a job and I've just got to keep optimistic about it there we go so a situation a lot of people can probably

Empathize with at the moment so what do you do if you actually feel now like you want to crack on with the next stage of your life and maybe look at your jobs or

prospects I've got Cape McCarthy booth with me who's an expert in the jobs field morning tea okay it's okay I mean what is the first thing you see these figures you

Know you're going through something yourself that's very uncertain in a minute what's the first thing you should be doing if you've lost your job all you feel like

Your job may be going at some point take a deep breath initially and but you know from it from it getting out there and getting a new job perspective get a really great

CV written talk to you talk to the people around your peer’s people your support network people that know you at work and get a really great CV and get some

Feedback on that CV and get out on social media get present and it all sounds great in theory that but then you just in one of the most uncertain points of your life right

Now do you have to how do you almost keep you keep your chin up when you're applying for jobs and there aren't that many out there thousands and thousands of

People all going for the same job it's really hard and actually one of the biggest things that I talk about is managing your mindset through this process you've got to

try and be really resilient at a really hard time and I appreciate that that sounds easier than it actually is but I actually think seeing getting a job as your new job it's really important.

Settings a goal set in this pandemic

Create routine in your life so I'm going to get up in the morning and I'm going to look for a job or write my CV today set yourself some goals and targets know what

you want to achieve in the day and and you know surround yourself with positive people as well as other people that have maybe gone there being in that position

 but then found a job look for the success stories look for the positive things because there are lots of positive things as well as much as it is really hard at the

Moment do you see some positives I definitely and actually if you're on LinkedIn and that's a great social media platform to be on and to talk about your journey

There lots of people supporting each other there at the minute and say look this is what I did and I and I got and I did get something and people helping each other

you know we're trying to do that as well you know if you need help if you need support if you've got a question there are lots of people out there that are really

Supporting each other at the moment okay thank you thanks for those links for this morning if you want a few more tips a bit of advice as well go on to the BBC

Sounds app and you can download subscribe to the your work your money podcast where I speak to a few business experts people in experts in the world of money

and savings and get in your career going as far as it can and there are a few tips on their hopefully that might help as well but a lot of people these figures this

Morning really showing that there are hundreds of thousands of people who are going through a lot of uncertainty right now and they don't include necessarily

These numbers that all the job redundancies that we've heard from some of the big businesses over recent weeks so it's expected that the numbers could get

tougher before they start getting better yeah sure it's a point well-made isn't and as you said you know we talk to politicians experts statisticians and then you hear the Voices of those people that you know who have already lost their jobs and it does really bring it home sure thank you.

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